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Published by:Studio Indiana430 N. Sewell Road Bloomington, IN 47408(812) 332-5073, Printed in ChinaPublisher%u2019s Cataloging-in-Publication DataBower, John.After the Harvest: Indiana%u2019s historic grain elevators and feed mills / text by John Bower and Lynn Bower; photography by John Bower; foreword by Birch Bayh.p. cm. ISBN: 978-0-9745186-3-31. Grain elevators%u2014Indiana%u2014Pictorial works. 2. Indiana%u2014Pictorial works. 3. Architecture%u2014Indiana. 4. Photography, Artistic. I. Bower, John, 1949%u2013. II. Title.TR739.6.B69 2007779.944772%u2014dc22Library of Congress Control Number: 2006909469