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                                    145JOHN BOWER%u2019s black-and-white photography has been shown in a number of juried museum exhibitions around Indiana, and has also appeared in a variety of magazines. For this book project, he was awarded a grant from the Indiana Arts Commission. A Lafayette native, with degrees from Purdue University and Ball State University, he has been an author, video producer, and has personally built several homes. He lives with his wife, Lynn, in rural Monroe County. JUDY O%u2019BANNON, a popular First Lady of Indiana, has actively advanced historic, artistic, and educational awareness through leadership positions in organizations such as the Indiana Arts Commission, the Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Indiana State Museum, the Indiana Main Street Council, the Silvercrest Children%u2019s Development Center, and the Indiana 2016 Task Force. FRONT COVER PHOTOS:House, Jackson County (186-08)Sorghum mill, Brown County (057-10)Church steeple, Perry County (215-03)Barn ladder, Washington County (211-03)BACK COVER PHOTO:Store, Lawrence County (159-06)Book and cover design by Lynn Marie Bower
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