Page 132 - Demo
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130I picked up an advertising flyer from a stack. It depicted a happy %u201cmodern%u201d family sitting around a console radio. The text proclaimed that such a wondrous happening could be a reality for anyone who electrified their house%u2014with a Delco home generator. A pile of posters advertised the latest movie. It starred Charlie Chaplin. Except for the grimy top sheets, this stuff looked as if it was printed yesterday. And, it was everywhere.Along one wall sat shelves of glass-encased batteries amid a strange configuration of switches and pointytopped light bulbs. Paul said it was a system his father had devised for recharging car batteries. There were wooden cabinets, packed with car parts for vehicles that were now antiques. I spotted a framed mirror with two sets of women%u2019s legs painted on it. %u201cWhat%u2019s this,%u201d I asked. %u201cOh, that%u2019s for Nehi soda pop,%u201d Paul said. I looked closely at the silk stockings, black pumps, and the bit of flirty skirt above the knees. I could just make out the faded letters N-E-H-I superimposed over the dismembered limbs. %u201cNehi, like knee-high,%u201d Paul laughed, tapping his leg. There was also a 1914 Model T touring car, and a blue 1953 Packard which, other than needing a little wax, appeared to be in great shape. %u201cOpen the door and check out the interior,%u201d Paul urged. Although it was a bit musty, the striped upholstery was almost pristine. %u201cThis Packard was sure easier to park in here than the Cadillac I%u2019ve got now,%u201d he mused. I looked over at his current means of transport, and was amazed it could be maneuvered into the garage at all.When we all stepped outside, I saw Paul attempting to close the sliding garage door. %u201cThis one sticks, so I might need a little help with it. You see, I%u2019m 92 now.%u201d Together, he and I pushed the heavy stubborn door into place. %u201cI can do the rest myself,%u201d he said, shooing me off good naturedly. With good-bye waves, John and I pulled away and headed off to find dinner. Murl May%u2019s Garage had been an excellent adventure, and Paul an excellent guide.Murl May%u2019s Garage%u2014Salamonia, Jay Co. (757.04) Murl May%u2019s Garage%u2014Salamonia, Jay Co. (757.15)