Page 23 - Demo
P. 23

                                    21As we got out of the car, near the new 21st Century Charter School, we saw a gap in the chain-link fence surrounding the site. Eagerly, we made our way up a well-worn path through a swath of invasive greenery. The church was so overgrown with weedy trees, shrubs, and vines that, close up, it was difficult to get a real view of the exterior. Once we were within the massive limestone and plastered-brick walls, we became mesmerized by the decaying glory of the place. Cautiously, we stepped through the entry, into a foyer, then into the sanctuary, avoiding loose rubble and dangerous debris. Overhead, the vaulted, wood-paneled ceiling rose high above us, and an uncertain balcony (minus its pipe organ) hung limply from the back wall. Intact leaded glass remained%u2014but only up high, beyond the reach of hurling stones. Much of the wall plaster had crumbled off long ago.Inexplicably, lying on the sanctuary floor, we spotted a small bouquet of plastic flowers not far from a demolished upright piano. A drip, drip, dripping of water from the previous night%u2019s rain echoed throughout, to the accompaniment of babbling pigeons. It all made for an eerie, but poignant scene.In the auditorium, we came across an a spacious balcony, and an imposing raised, maple-floored stage, but there was only one section of seating out front. While this had been a joyful gathering space, it was no longer. This hall, the offices, the meeting rooms%u2014all of it%u2014was moldering away into a sad and lonely oblivion. How lucky, I felt, to be able to witness these decaying remnants, before they completely disappeared.The rest of the day, we explored and photographed other deteriorating Gary landmarks%u2014Union Station, Memorial Auditorium (back cover), Palace Theater (its marquee permanently proclaiming %u201cJackson Five Live Tonight%u201d), and the main Post Office (page 96-97). As we did, we spoke to a few friendly, curious people here and there. It was all perfectly safe. Of course.Sanctuary, First Methodist Church, 1925%u2014Gary, Lake Co. (685.09)Lobby Stairs, First Methodist Church, 1925%u2014Gary, Lake Co. (686.02)
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