Page 31 - Demo
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29Preble, Adams Co. (656.05)Chase, Benton Co. (629.02)minal grain elevator that markets larger quantities of grain. Except for the terminal elevator shown on the next two pages, this book deals only with country grain elevators. Because these smaller facilities have a limited capacity, many are being abandoned and torn down%u2014they are simply no longer economically viable.Some country grain elevators have remained on a sound financial footing by adding additional silos, or other storage facilities, called annexes (right), to increase their capacity. In such cases, a single elevator mechanism will usually serve several separate storage containers. Horizontal conveyor belts might also be employed to move grain around such a facility.A feed mill (below) is a business that purchases grain (usually from area farmers) and processes it into animal feed for local resale. It has equipment for grinding kernels of grain into smaller particles, blending a mixture of different grains, and adding vitamins and minerals%u2014if so desired. Feed mills generally have an elevator mechanism for lifting grain. (That%u2019s why they%u2019re sometimes mistakenly referred to as %u201cgrain elevators.%u201d) Typically, they also have specialized equipment for filling, sealing, and weighing individual bags of feed. A feed store is a business that purchases and resells already-processed grain for feed, and other farmrelated products.