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103turn-of-the-last-century finery and, inexplicably, had a coquettish cat head. One was still in its original box%u2014a bonus if it ever gets appraised on the %u201cAntiques Road Show.%u201d They were priced in red marker at $10.50. Perhaps, someday, these charmingly svelte, hybrid beauties will grace a china cabinet or adorn someone%u2019s mantle. Or, maybe, not%u2026Hap explained how the current structure was built in 1902%u2014as a replacement for the 19th century feed mill that was torched by the KKK, for reasons now unknown. In fact, it was sitting on the original building%u2019s rock-and-mortar foundation. I spotted a few empty manure bags imprinted with %u201cFrank%u2019s Nursery%u2014Detroit, Michigan.%u201d They were printed in different colors for different sources (sheep, cow, etc.).As we wandered back onto the porch, Hap proudly showed us his signature door, pointing out the governor%u2019s autograph, among many others. %u201cYep, Mitch Daniels has been here four times. He pulled up the first time in his campaign-across-Indiana motorhome%u2014the one all covered with names. I knew who he was right away and I told him, %u2018You%u2019ve got the wrong man. I%u2019m the Democratic precinct committee chairman around here. Then I just went right ahead and told him what I thought. Later, in his book, he wrote about me%u2014said he hoped my Republican counterparts were as honest and outspoken as I was.%u201d With that, he laughed and invited us to add our names to his now famous door. With a ready-to-use black marker hung from a length of string, John added his name.After scrutinizing the sprawling, sundry, somewhat indecipherable inventory one more time, I asked Hap if he had many customers. He assured me that lots of people stopped by on their way down to the big casino in Vevay, especially during the summer months. %u201cYou know,%u201d he said, %u201cI%u2019m really a people person. I%u2019m 65 now and I could retire, but I%u2019d much rather be sitting on this porch and meeting new people%u2014people like you two for instance.%u201d With that, we left Hap and his Blue Mule Trading Post, glad he and his old feed mill (now emporium) were still around. Cross Plaines, Ripley Co. (618.06)Cross Plains, Ripley Co. (618.08)