John and Lynn Bower published their seven Indiana photography books through Studio Indiana. Each book deals with a different aspect of Indiana’s fading forlorn, and forgotten past.
All seven books are now out-of-print. Should you’d like to purchase a copy of one, used copies are generally available on Amazon or eBay.
If you click on any of the covers below, you can view it as a FlipBook.
To create their photography books, John and Lynn drove over 130,000 miles up and down all the state’s backroads visiting every one of the 3,318 cities and towns in the state. John did all the actual photography, using traditional black-and-white film.
Lynn used her laptop computer to create a database about each shot’s location and other pertinent information. She also interviewed homeowners, scouted subject matter, and used a hand-held reflector, when necessary, to balance the lighting. She also designed and laid out each book.